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  • Short stories of members about themself

    Tosha (Anton Romnov)

      Hi, philosophers! I am Tosha Romanov, founder and leader of the given goof band. Earlier I was a guitarist and vocalist but now I aw bassist and vocalist. The author of music and several lyrics. The goof, mathematician, PhD. Unmarried, without children. My best occupations are rehearsing, drinking hard, smoking, tormenting the neighbours by singing at 3 a.m., smashing my own flat.
      P.S. Besides I am a delicate and exalted person.

    Toha (Anton Shlapakov)

      I was born 27th July, 1988, in Tula. Self-taught guitarist without any musical education. My dream is to learn playing piano)))
      Since October of 2005 till 2006 I took a garage and were trying to create my own band, but all this attempts failed. In 2005 I met with "Isomorphism" which some time rehearsed in our garage.
      Since September of 2007 I am a guitarist and the second vocalist of a new "Isomorphism".

    Caesar (Aleksej Shestakov)

      I am Lyokha, simply Lyokha. Since the Year of Redemption 1987 I am the greatest lover and adorer of all female sex on this sinful Earth. Because of this I have devoted my life to the creativity to flop and to please to girls.

    Ilja Belomytcev

      I was born XX.XX.1986 in Aleksin. About my active participation in the development of "Isomorphism" you can read in "History" so I am going to say some words about myself. The most part of my life is music: I like Russian "author" song, Russian rock. The distinct but important part is Orthodox (choral) music. I adore meeting my friends, nature, hiking and traveling. But only in good company without drinking:)

    Serega (Sergey Lysenkov)

      I was born 16th March 1984 (26 years after destroying of Song-Mi by American troops, 40 years after baptism of fire of Lettish Legion of Waffen SS, 4 years before the Saddam Hussein's chemical attack against Iraki Kurds). 6th of the 6th month of 1999 (200 years after the birth of the greatest Russian poet Alexander Pushkin) I began writing verses. In the beginning they were antiimperialistic and antiterroristic but then the sphere of their topics became wider and changed. The integral part of my creative life is the fact that I am a biologist
      I scribble verses, some of them Tosha put to the music. Officionally I am a director of the band. Inofficially I am a guru... Sometimes I take upon myself design functions. And yet I represent our respectable collectrive in Moscow

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